Characteristics of Menorcan corsair activity in the 18th century


The Menorcan corsican was organized as a true commercial enterprise. The procedure was to set up a company whose main shareholders used to appear as the owner and the captain of the corsair ship. This company acquired the ship, equipped it and hired the crew. People from all social and economic levels, including the clergy, participated in Menorca in these corsair societies. The profit obtained from the sale of the prizes obtained was punctually distributed among the shareholders of the company.



In general, small and fast boats were armed, with the xebeques being the most effective. Although the length of this type of vessel, later widely used by the Royal Navy, historically ranged between 22 and 66 m, it seems that corsair jabeques were closer to the lower limit than to the upper one. As is known, they were boats with fine lines and two or three masts, with bowsprits and lateen sails, with a large sail area and very manoeuvrable.

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