Category Archives: Museo Militar

Nieves Rojas’ birthday visit to the Menorca Military History Museum

Last August, the Menorca Military History Museum received a visit organised by a good friend of the Museum, Nieves Rojas, who, on the occasion of her birthday, decided to give the celebration a cultural touch in the form of history.   The group of Nieves Rojas’ friends, former classmates and colleagues in different places, represented. . .

Visit to the Menorca Military History Museum by Captain Massimiliano Siragusa and his companions

Last Sunday, September 8, without public visits, the Menorca Military History Museum received the commission of Italian personnel who had traveled to Menorca to represent different organizations in the commemorative events of the 81st anniversary of the sinking of the battleship “Roma” in the waters of Sardinia on September 9, 1943, during World War II.. . .

Naval combat tactics from the mid-18th century onwards

From the middle of the 17th century, the tactics of naval combat changed, victory was decided by artillery fire thanks to advances and improvements in cannons. It is the time of the tall ship with several bridges bristling with cannons. Aided by the impulse of the sails, and the skill in using them, the ships. . .

Stories from the Military Museum of Menorca (and 6): First British rule in the 18th century

Mahon, August 29, 2024 In 1708 troops of the pro-Austrian alliance commanded by Stanhope, obtained by surprise the surrender of the San Felipe castle. The island remains under the sovereignty of the pretender Carlos III, although the real power is exercised by the English command. England begins the expansion of the castle. In 1713, after. . .

Stories from the Military Museum of Menorca (and 5). The War of Succession

War that was fought between Philip of Anjou of the Bourbon house of France, and Archduke Charles of Austria, for possession of the throne of Spain after the death of Charles II without heir. Although Felipe was officially the designated heir in the last will of King Carlos II, the European powers, fearful of an. . .

The Military Consortium of Menorca wishes you happy holidaysof San Jaime to the residents and visitors of Es Castell

Es Castell, July 22, 2024 The Military Consortium of Menorca, in general, and the Military Historical Museum of Menorca, in particular, wishes a happy San Jaime holiday to the residents and visitors of the municipality of Es Castell. There are very few days until July 25, Saint James, patron saint of the town of Es. . .

Visit of several students from IES Pasqual Calbó i Caldés to the Military Historical Museum of Menorca

Es Castell, June 25, 2024 After the success of the previous visit, the Management of the Pascual Calbo i Caldés Secondary Education Institute in Mahón requested to carry out a new visit, this time for the Special Education students. As on previous occasions, it was a complete success and they left delighted. Visiting the Military. . .

Visit to the Military Museum of Menorca by several attendees of the Sine Dolore 2024 World Park

Last Sunday, May 5, the Military Museum of Menorca opened its doors to receive the visit of Dr. Jordi Moya, president of the Sine Dolore European Foundation, a European, non-profit foundation based in Menorca that brings together scientists, healthcare , patients and families to make persistent chronic pain visible. One more year, as has been. . .

Visit to the Military Historical Museum of Menorca by the Gwenty Charity Brass Band

Last April, the Gwenty Charity Brass Band visited the museum, a musical group that traditionally visits our island collaborating with different concerts, both in some Easter events and in public recitals. Led by its director Lana Tingay, they toured the different rooms of the Museum, being delighted with the visit. Next year we will wait. . .

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CONSORCIO MILITAR MENORCA usa cookies, tanto propias como de terceros, técnicas, analíticas,personalizadas, publicitarias y/o de afiliados, para ofrecer realizar distintas finalidades mostradas en la configuración, ubicada en nuestra política de cookies. Con las cookies de terceros podemos compartir información sobre el uso que haga del sitio web con nuestros partners de redes sociales, publicidad o análisis web, quienes pueden combinarla con otra información que les haya proporcionado o que hayan recopilado a partir del uso que haya hecho de sus servicios. Siempre podrá rechazar las cookies o configurarlas a su medida.