Spanish conquest of Minorca 1781-82. Surrender of the Castle of San Felipe

After almost two months weakening the fort with artillery, on January 6, 1782, the final assault began. The Duke of Crillón went with his aides and generals to the Talaiot de Trepucó, from where a volley of rifles was launched, followed by another from the French and another from the Germans (the French were camped in San Antonio and the Germans in Binisermeña. ) Subsequently, fire was opened against the castle of San Felipe with all the batteries of cannons and mortars with such density, that the besieged, unable to counteract it.

The siege of the Castle lasted for a month approx. and food became scarce, especially fresh vegetables that are the most reliable to combat scurvy. Gradually, British soldiers began to suffer from the disease.

Following a series of urgent reports from the medical team of him, on February 4, 1782, General Murray sent a list of ten terms of surrender to the Duke of Crillon. The final agreement was signed two days later and allowed the men to become temporary prisoners of war while they awaited transport ships back to Britain. A large number of British scurvy sufferers were cared for at Villa Jorge.

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