Lieutenant General Alejandro Escamez Fernandez Chief of the Canary Islands Command, visits the Balearic Islands

Lieutenant General Alejandro Escámez Fernández, Chief of the Canary Islands Command, is making his first visit to the units under his command located in the Balearic Islands, yesterday and until tomorrow, Thursday the 22nd of this month.

In accordance with the provisions of Defense Order 708 of July 27, 2020, on September 1 of that year the new Canary Islands Command of the Army began, assuming, together with the XVI Canary Brigade, the General Commands of the Balearic Islands, Ceuta and Melilla consolidating the Operational Structure of Permanent Commands of the Armed Forces.

With this new organic structure, this first-level Command quadruples its personnel, now having some 15,000 soldiers.

The visit began on the 20th at the Almudaina Palace, headquarters of the General Headquarters of the Balearic Islands General Command, where he was received by the Commander General, Fernando Luis Gracia Herréiz.

Today he is in Menorca, visiting the Isla del Rey, the fortress of Isabel II in La Mola and the Castillo de San Felipe, the latter are monuments managed by the Menorca Military Consortium, a model of cooperation for the defense of military historical heritage, returning in the afternoon to Palma de Mallorca.

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