Carlos III’s relationship with Menorca according to José L. Terrón Ponce (and 2)

This trend towards personalism that is now being offered to the general public has always had its defenders, sometimes out of inertia, others for defending historiographically monarchical positions in which certain historians of this trend have wanted to give prominence to their kings and, finally, in third place between ideological sectors that, more or less Machiavellian, have tried to take historical prominence away from the masses, granting it to their leaders.

In the latter case, it would be a matter of turning History into an innocent, playful story, for entertainment in leisure time and devoid of any criticism, emptying it of content in its most genuine function, which is none other than that of teacher of life and provoker of consciences (…)

(…) Carlos III, more than taking an active part in the achievements of his reign, had the merit of knowing how to choose the suitable and capable ministers at all times.

Indeed, if we have to pay attention to his contemporary biographers, such as the Count of Fernán-Núñez, the monarch was not exactly a great worker in terms of cabinet, since he had an obsessive love of hunting, an activity that he practiced almost daily and which took up the whole day. Only when he returned at night would he dispatch with his ministers.

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