Promotional video of the Isabell II Fortress

The Military Consortium of Menorca has published a promotional video of the Mola with unpublished images of the monumental site that have been recorded using a drone.

The initiative represents a point and followed in the work of disseminating the military heritage of the port of Mahón, but on this occasion the resource of an audiovisual has been used, accompanied by a tune in accordance with the impressive and exclusive images recorded from the air.

The work of recording and editing the videos, since two clips of the Castle of San Felipe and the Military Museum of Menorca have also been made, has been carried out by the company Dron Capture, based on the Island.

The Military Consortium of Menorca trusts that these films will serve to capture the attention of people who do not know what to do in Menorca and, therefore, become an incentive to promote the best places to visit in Menorca.


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