XXIII Course of Uniformology of the Spanish Army

The Institute of Military History and Culture organizes the XXIII Course of Uniformology of the Spanish Army, which will be held in Madrid from May 9 to 30, 2022, in person and / or distance.

The course takes a historical tour of the Uniforms, which have been regulated in the Spanish ET, throughout history. Fundamentally, since there are Permanent Armies (Catholic Monarchs) and Especially since the Bourbons (Philip V) there are already written Regulations on Organization and Uniformity.

The aim is to sow in students a concern about Uniformology, with all its components (Uniforms, Badges, Emblems, Badges and Decorations) and to acquire basic knowledge to know the milestones that distinguished the different eras, which allow them to continue expanding and researching. on Uniformology.

Course program:


More information via email at ihycm@et.mde.es

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