Publications of the Military Consortium of Menorca

The Military Consortium of Menorca has numerous publications of interest that tell us about historical events that took place in Menorca, whose historical and cultural interest is beyond doubt.

These literary works are a great legacy to better understand our roots, how our ancestors lived on the island and how they suffered the different invasions and dominations that forged the character of the next generations of Menorcans.

If you want to know the books that we have available to all interested people, you can do so by accessing the publications section of this website following the link

We are convinced that you will find a publication of your liking as a perfect gift for these Christmas dates.

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CONSORCIO MILITAR MENORCA usa cookies, tanto propias como de terceros, técnicas, analíticas,personalizadas, publicitarias y/o de afiliados, para ofrecer realizar distintas finalidades mostradas en la configuración, ubicada en nuestra política de cookies. Con las cookies de terceros podemos compartir información sobre el uso que haga del sitio web con nuestros partners de redes sociales, publicidad o análisis web, quienes pueden combinarla con otra información que les haya proporcionado o que hayan recopilado a partir del uso que haya hecho de sus servicios. Siempre podrá rechazar las cookies o configurarlas a su medida.