How to defend Menorca in 1852 to avoid its occupation by a foreign power?

On November 21, Diario Menorca published an article in its section “Mira Menorca” with the title How to defend Menorca in 1852? Its author, Jesús García Marín, assures that it is a study or report on “the means that should be used for the defense of Menorca”. The authors of said 16-page manuscript, which is preserved in the Cartographic Archive of the Army Geographic Center, are the soldiers Llavaneras, López and Mas.

The strategic nature of the Island is well known, clearly evident because historically it has been the object of desire and occupation by several foreign powers that have always defended it with tenacity and courage. That is why it is convenient to prepare the Island for any attack, however vigorous it may be.

These three soldiers address in their report the difficulties presented by the orography of Menorca, for the fluid mobility of the troops, and the poor state of the roads that connect the different towns of the island.

Llavaneras, López and Mas consider that both the port of Fornells and Ciudadela should be adequately fortified.


Source: Diario Menorca November 21, 2022


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